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Artist's Statement

GINO WONG (黄 炫俊)

My practice is an attempt to reconstruct human’s connection with the world, that everyone is living in, with the surroundings, environment and nature, through a method of philosophy—Phenomenology. I believe that human as one animal of thousands of species inhabit in the same world as other are living in not because we are higher intelligent, neither acknowledge how to light up fire, but by feeling, perceiving our world. It is not a psychical survival of a life, but a more subjective, being-in-the-world spiritual state of life. I hope by rebuilding the relationship between human and the world, people can understand and find their way to solve existential crisis and resist alienation and instrumentalization brought up by neoliberalism and modern technology.


I explore theme through experiments in time and, human perception and feeling, I think that our being or existence consist of the unique experience of being, perceiving our living world. By studying our bodily perception, in which to the intuitive sensory and intrinsic way of living in the world as an animal, I tried to constitute a foundation of being-in the world, in which neoliberalism and political correctness has alienate people from the value of humanity by instrumentalization and commoditization. 


Therefore, I turn to phenomenology--a school of philosophy invented by Edmund Husserl and develop by philosophers like Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a philosophy of experience, not empirical dogmatism, but an observation and descriptions to the phenomena of our living world itself, in other words, "to the thing itself". Phenomenology as a method, even a life-style, calls us to step back to our intuitive demand as human being, re-interrogate ourselves, to understand and re-discover our value as human being and in the world. 

Artist's Statement

GINO WONG (黄 炫俊)

The focus of my research is intersubjectivity, not in the psychological, but the philosophical sense. I wonder how people get to know and interact with each other.


How can people authentically perceive one another and experience the things that happen around us? Human beings’ perception of the world can seem to have been corrupted and distorted by the prevalence of conspiracy, consumerism and nationalism, so that our emotions are in a situation that are overwhelming. People don’t trust their governments, mass media their friends or even themselves.


My research has drawn on the Phenomenology of Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the two great scholars that investigate the state of human being. Even though poststructuralists like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault denied that there is any certain structure in the study of subject and object, the sense of security brought by certainty is still engraved in the genes of human beings. I still believe that there is a way that diversity could be balanced, and connection and understanding fostered in a world that is fragmentized and deconstructed.


In in unit 2 I have explored these ideas through performance and print, for example, undertaking a “mimicking” performance in a public exhibition and recording live traces of this performance with cyanotype. I will constantly explore the media of body as it was where our perception and experience attain,

Artist's Statement

My research draws on phenomenology and intersubjectivity. I consider phenomenology as a way of resolving nihilism cased by the dualism of subject and object, the I and the Other, the authentic and the virtual. Our authenticity of live are getting faded by commercial advertisement, conspiracy, explicit or implicit political propaganda brought by the increasingly widespread not only Internet, and streaming media. People are being misled and instigated easily becoming vulnerable, overwhelming, and sensitive.


I attempt to reconstruct human’s connection with the world, that everyone is living in, with the surroundings, environment and nature in my practice. I believe that human as one animal of thousands of species inhabit in the world nor because we are higher intelligent, neither acknowledge how to light up fire, but by feeling, perceiving our world. It is not a psychical survival of a life, but a more embody, being-in-the-world state of life.


I create works in performance which I think performance is the best method of representing the idea of embodiment with a physical flesh, and cyanotype which are the expose and develop with the two essential elements of live, sunlight and water. I hope by rebuilding the relationship between human and the world, people can cognize and discover their way to solve existential crisis and resist alienation and instrumentalization brought up by neoliberalism and modern technology.

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